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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024

  • Don’t worry it probably won’t be long before the houthi rebels or some other terrorist state backed crazies manage to successfully launch an attack on a nuclear power station somewhere then you won’t have to keep hearing about three mile island, chernobyl, Fukushima, the windscale fire, sizewell leaks, or any of the other times nuclear power has gone dangerously wrong.

    Thankfully Isreal doesn’t have nuclear power plants because it’s obviously too dangerous, let’s hope Russia, Iran, China, or any other well funded powerbase don’t get pushed into a corner and see funding an attack on a western nation as a viable response. Or some wacky religious group, race war proponents, attention seeking crazies or any of the usual suspects get as lucky as the 911 hijackers.

  • It’s much better than the alternative, yes cancer rates shot up and a huge area of once beautiful and productive land is contaminated but if we had rooftop solar then rich corporations wouldn’t be able to manipulate us with price spikes and lock us into being helpless without them.

    The rich need to have power over us and centralized power generation controlled by the ultra wealthy is the only option that let’s them have that dominamce so every propaganda bot must ignore all the safety risks, spiraling economic costs, and political bullshit so they can push for it and divert money from.far more viable and effective alternatives.

  • If it helps i can explain how lemmy thinks,

    Elon does nothing at his companies and is lazy and stupid, also Elon is intricately responsible for everything which happens at his companies and so everything they do is bad.

    They will believe any ‘Elon bad’ story because they’re desperate to, largely because he said some bad things on Twitter and is bad at memes. They will also assume any Elon related thing is bad because to them reality is a team sport and if someone has differing political opinions they must be not only ontological evil but stupid and bad in every way.

  • It’s hilarious to me when people complain about jobs like this training AI, oh you watch videos and it’s hard to concentrate after a while? Welcome to actual driving jobs and factory work!

    Before automation people stood at machines doing the same repetitive task for 8 hours a day or longer and if they lose concentration they could lose a limb.

    Automation and computation has made what would have been absolute plum luxury jobs less than a hundred years ago seem burdensome and ‘dystopian’ to our modern sensibilities, I have no doubt that we will likewise see the mental and physical effort of driving as well as the danger of it become as unconscionable as threshing or machine operator work is to us now.

  • It’s funny that any time these companies are brought up everyone says they’re dangerous yet the second one listens to the sorts of studies about negative affects that get quoted here all the time everyone suddenly decides actually its censorship or brainwashing or corporate greed and that it’s evidence they’re evil…

    Scientific studies said this content can harm developing children so they made efforts to mitigate harm, is it really so hard just to say ‘oh thats good, well done’ and if so then doesn’t that tell you a lot about your own motivations?

  • The problem is youribe can only have one page of information and that has to be the front page offering old, new, expected and unexpected content in one easy to view list.

    You know what would happen if they had a second list that only showed your subscribed content? Literally no one would click on it and everyone would complain it doesn’t exist, they proved this in a test where they had that exact feature on every single person’s page since they started but here we still are people complaining that their subscriptions don’t always show up on the fyp (algo page)

  • The reality is you’re rejecting all the evidence against this because it would make your worldview much more difficult, you believe you know the truth and so reject any other argument out of hand. This is very common, Alex Jones fans believe they have evidence of a NWO conspiracy, your belief is more reasonable because it’s pushed by western media snd political establishments but it’s pretty much the same game.

    Do you reject the evidence from multiple sources that lizard people rule the world? Of course you reject it because claims of evidence no matter how repeatedly they’re made add up tnothing if they’re all just feeding off their own fantasy.

    Is china heavy handed? Yes. Do I think s lot of their actions in Xinjiang are immoral? Yes. Is there evidence of a genocide, no.

    How far have you actually looked into the evidence beyond articles in outlets you wouldn’t trust taking about issues you actually have detailed knowledge of? The guardian has misrepresented every antiestablishment group they report on but you think they’ll be fair to the CCCP? And they’re one of fhe most sympathetic, in what world would the US state department say ‘actually our main enemy isn’t as bad as people say, really they’re fairly reasonable especially xomaoired to our own interactions with Islamic terrorists…’

    But it’s also why they don’t really talk about it, they don’t want to get caught in lies - remember the US flexing on Russia with their super accurate intel? They’d love to do that to china and if there was good evidence to have they’d have it. This is why all the big claims are based on hearsay from unreliable sources or wild leaps of imagination based on insignificant pictures.

    You’re sure there’s huge amounts of evidence but you can’t think of a single bit that has any substance - exactly like the conspiracy loons when they say ‘Google FEMA Cano death squads’ instead of pointing to their favorite smoking gun because they know you’ll just get lost in a sea of people promising theirs strong evidence but never actually getting round to showing it.

    As for people using the same demographic argument for Isreal, Isreal isn’t building schools and providing healthcare the difference is pretty obvious when you actually compare them - but that doesn’t occur to you because you don’t actually know any details about the situation in China, which is weird considering how often you’ve read articles and memes taking about it… almost like they lack vital information because they only want to show one side…

  • Your three bits of evidence are all heresy based on unreliable reports, but sure let’s just believe anything that fits our worldview without question.

    Even Mahmoud Abbas said china was treating Muslims fairly, as did Imran Khan as leader of Pakistan, Kazakhstan likewise agrees with China’s actions as do many other Islamic neighbour’s… People who get their news from the source because they’re connected to the victims involved through shared culture describe it as a fairly standardly upsetting conflict between terrorists and state actors but the further away you get and the closer to the anglosphere the more intense people’s stories become…

    I only really realized how much the media pushes stories with no basis because I wanted to be able to demonstrate the stark facts when talking about it, it’s been the main criticism of Americans biggest enemy for decades but the CIA, media, and all the other apparatus of the machine haven’t been able to find anything beyond a few pictures of routine prisoner transport and baseless accusations from people already ideologically opposed to the state - I’m not even joking when I say Alex Jones has better evidence that FEMA and the EPA are building concentration camps and using chemical warfare against patriots, which we all understand to be manipulative lies.

    For decades we’ve been hearing about this industrial genocide of Uyghur but their population continues to grow, average life expectancy has increased due to access ro modern medicine, everyone (including women, much to the upset of religious fundamentalists) now have access to education and social support… yes the men who wanted to keep women as property are angry but the average Uyghur lives a better life now than they did twenty years ago so if that’s the definition of genocide it’s kinda meaningless.

  • Honestly the word gets thrown around so much that it’s lost its power, especially when it’s not backed up by anything other than ‘i know they’re doing genocide because I already dislike the people I’m accusing!’

    It’s not something people seem serious about, you’d think if actual genocide was happening in China people would want to share the evidence and it’d be a big thing and stuff but it’s apparently been over a decade of industrial scale murder and no one has anything substantial or tangible to prove it, just ‘trust me bro, my sworn ideological enemies are super bad in secret!’

    Don’t you think? I mean off the top of your head name the three bits of evidence that actually convinced you china is committing genocide- you can even cheat and Google

  • Articles like this kill me because the nudge it’s kinda sorta racist to draw images like the ones they show which look exactly like the cover of half the bollywood movies ever made.

    Yes, if you want to get a certain type of person in your image you need to choose descriptive words, imagine gong to an artist snd saying ‘I need s picture and almost nothing matters beside the fact the look indian’ unless they’re bad at their job they’ll give you a bollywood movie cover with a guy from rajistan in a turbin - just like their official tourist website does

    Ask for an business man in delhi or an urdu shop keeper with an Elvis quiff if that’s what you want.