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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think it’s far more telling that you think this is something race-based. Let me tell you as part of a group that certifiably was actively and passively genocided by the US government. My grandmother even went to the notorious Indian schools. You know the ones where you often see stories of mass graves being found out back of today.

    Now maybe it’s a personal failing in myself to not see the nobility of your position. Willingly sacrificing lives of people like my family and even myself. With no real chance of receiving anything in return. But someone’s going to have to adequately explain that before I’ll see it that way.

    I’m going to stick to empowering voices like to talib, omar, and Sanders. Not trying to attack and reduce their power like you do. All as some sort of pyrrhic virtue signaling ritual.

  • No. She literally can’t. You can either be Pure or you can have power. But not both. They hate what AOC has become with a passion. Because she is not pure anymore. Just actually making a difference. For them it is strictly about virtue signaling. And not accomplishing anything. Because doing things is hard. Just saying the things that people want to hear. That shit is as easy as it gets.

  • No there was a difference. It’s subtle. But it is there. Libertarians with the capital L is a noun. Whereas libertarian with a lowercase l is an adjective. Nouns and adjectives are different. Nouns can be applied to places things and people. Whereas adjectives are generally descriptive of those places things and people.

    So it is entirely possible for someone to call themselves Libertarian but not be libertarian. If I named my dog Communism, would my dog be communist? Libertarians rely on this ambiguation as a cover for their true beliefs. And to hear and destroy the reputation of their enemies. People who are actually libertarian.

  • Because Libertarians only ideology is selfishness. They refuse to understand basic concepts that even anarchists and libertarians well understand and acknowledge. Like the fact that sometimes systems need exist. But no matter how well a system it’s designed. It cannot be perfectly equitable, and still requires intervention. Or that the non-aggression principle is nothing but a thought terminating cliche

  • The Soviet Union was a state. Therefore not stateless, therefore not communist. The Soviet Union had a separate political class. One that scapegoated, imprisoned, and even slaughtered any proletariat that dared criticize the vanguard party and it’s leaders. Therefore not classes, not communist.

    The Soviet Union nominally implemented Communism. But communism and Communism aren’t the same thing. I could name my dog Communism. And my dog would be Communism. But not communism. The soviets cosplayed communism. But never were or will be communist.

  • Enabling genocide is bad. Calling enabling, genocide, is also bad. Be better.

    The situation in Palestine has been fucked for decades. It’s great to see people finally starting to care. But it’s also extremely on brand to see people letting perfect be the enemy of the best we have. In an effort to get the worst possible elected. If you spent half this amount of time railing against the actual fascist people might accidentally think you were American or Genuine. Be better.

  • That said, leftism is centralized economics.

    <john cena> Are you sure about that? </john cena>

    You should tell that to the Democratic Socialists, or the Social Democrats, or Marxists, or actual Libertarians, or anarchists, or communists. Literally I think the only group on the left. That is significantly centrally organized are Marxist Leninist. Every group on the right however depends on a central authority to make their economy fesable.

    Either this is projection, or you don’t know what left is. Which if you are a fellow American is absolutely understandable. They did a lot to dumb us down and make us afraid to look to any groups that weren’t capitalist or fascist. To help us meet our needs. That red scare shit is still prevalent to this day. Though the Marxist Leninist did hand them the talking point on a platter post world war II. The rest of the left just got smeared with it unduly.