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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • According to the 2020 Pentagon Qualified Military Available Study. 77% of American 17 to 24 are not qualified, of that 77%, 11% are overweight beyond a waiver, 8% cannot due to alcohol or drug abuse, 7% cannot due to mental or physical health, aptitude or conduct was 2%, and multiple reasons was listed at 20% including a combination of the above and factors like prior convictions.

    So low end 48% of 17 to 24 year olds are inelligble. This doesn’t include specific draft exemptions like being in college or working with critical infrastructure which have always been exempt from selective service.

  • Now we are having recruiting problems for entirely different issues. It also just so happened the easier waivers coincidentally went into affect when we were already going to meet recrui goals. Nowadays a draft would mean the end of America. Something like 70% of all Americans are unable to be drafted for one reason or another, and the last 30 would more than likely riot and shoot recruiters at the first opportunity.