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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I like to find news sources that analyze the story as well as explains where it fits into the ongoing situation, why it’s relevant, and has a reasonably accurate history of predictions based on their analysis. Since this is rare, I try to find a source that has 3 of the 4 to make it part of my news consumption. So this tends to include Democracy Now!, Some More News, Last Week Tonight, Beau of the Fifth Column, AP, and the like. A lot of the sources shared on lemmy, bar the NYT, are in that category

  • I know some of the union leaders at UPW, including one of the Paizo writers that may have worked on the starter adventure (I don’t know for certain). They’re incredibly passionate about their work, and honestly would understand your frustrations about capitalism. They likely pushed to make as much as possible free, so folks in your position would still be able to share the joy of their work even if they can’t afford the starter adventure.

    I know none of this will make your frustration go away, but I hope you know that they didn’t do it out of malice.

  • If you truly want to help him, give him a list of post-carceral support resources, a note stating that you’re only willing to help more if he truly wants to change, and a small amount of money to get started.

    Make it clear in the letter that you don’t want to see him in prison and that you know he’s a better person than that. Do not bring up the falling out just yet in case he’s willing to contact you for a real life change.

  • I prefer Parenti’s quote on democracy

    Democracy is a wonderful invention by the people over history to protect themselves from the power of wealth. That’s what democracy was in Greece, that’s what democracy has been ever since. It’s an invention of the people, nobody else but the people. There’s no great philosopher that invented democracy, there’s no great political theorist that thought about it and put it together, there’s no great intellectual or writer or artist who created democracy! It was the mass of people! Anonymous, ordinary working people, working women and working men, people trying to survive, they’re the ones that fought for it and they’re the ones that gained whatever modicum of decency and security we might have in this inhumane capitalist system throughout history.