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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • A shipment is eligible for the de minimis exemption if the aggregate fair retail value of the articles imported is $800 or less. De minimis shipments enter the United States with less information than other imports and are not subject to duties and taxes.

    The growing volume of de minimis shipments makes it increasingly difficult to target and block illegal or unsafe shipments. Foreign corporate giants who exploit the de minimis exemption do so for a variety of reasons. Some companies exploit the de minimis to conceal shipments of illegal and dangerous products and avoid compliance with U.S. health and safety and consumer protection laws. Other foreign entities use it to circumvent U.S. trade enforcement actions intended to level the playing field for American workers, retailers, and manufacturers.

    With today’s announcement, the Administration is using executive authority to stop the abuse of the de minimis exemption.

    I have no problem with this. This exemption was designed for individuals and small businesses to avoid import taxes, we clearly shouldn’t let large corporations abuse it.

  • No one was trying to “force Biden.” Biden was the candidate. No one ran against him. The only person who had control over whether he decided to bow out was Biden himself. As long as he was the candidate, fuck yes I’m going to be all-in on Biden, because the alternative is Trump. That doesn’t prevent me from simultaneously observing reality and airing my concerns about his abilities to the party. The second he dropped out, every “Blue MAGA” you’re on about breathed a sigh of relief and lined up behind Harris, demonstrating how what you’re describing isn’t even remotely comparable to “MAGA.”