And the voices. “Billy…”

“You fucked the whole thing up.”

“Billy, your time is up.”

“Your time… is up.”

  • 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Low level programming C

    Could be pretty much any computer


    Need a lot of memory (8-16 GB) if you are planning on dissecting any existing projects

    Machine Learning programming with Python

    Start with colab / huggingface and get a feel for what level of hardware you need for the stuff you’re doing before you start buying stuff

    If you want just a general high quality system with upgradability etc, or System76 are supposed to be good high end providers.

  • One of my very first tech jobs, there was a guy who watched porn in his office, as far as I could tell just continuously. I saw the DNS logs so I was aware. I didn’t care as long as it wasn’t interfering with my ability to get things done.

    One day I had to go in his office and talk to him about some of his code that was breaking, and he went OH and tried to hide all the blatant porn on his screen. Like dude I know. I don’t care. I am here to talk with you about your shitty code not your personal failings and issues; those are purely your own problem IMO.

  • Oh shit! I forgot one from another job.

    One of the busboys walked into the office, found no people and a satchel with about $30,000 in cash, picked it up and walked out, clocked out like normal, went home.

    Guy SHOWED UP TO WORK THE NEXT DAY. Just assuming I guess, they won’t have cameras or anything, if I just don’t say anything there’s no way they can know who it was and they’ll probably just move on if I play it cool.

    I guess the management was pretty aware of his level of planning skills because they had cops waiting at the restaurant at the time of his scheduled starting time and he was taken away in cuffs, presumably not to return for quite a long time.

  • Another:

    Big awful dude starts working, among other issues he was SUPER upset that the girls at the gym are allowed to have their own separate area to work out where he can’t ogle them, he felt this was grossly unfair and was angry about it

    So anyway my boss goes back to the truck to get something, at like 9 in the morning on the job site, opens up the back, the ENTIRE truck is filled with weed smoke which billows out because big awful dude is in there getting high. Boss is upset, obviously, but big awful dude is just laughing

    I think they had to finish out the day with him but the boss was definitely irritated about it

  • "They do not fully understand what death is and this makes them dangerous to be around. In the culture of the Heralds, each being is made of many kinds of interacting life. They live and die in a cacophony of birth and death, fading and renewing all the time. They are a colony of things. They assume that everybody is.

    "If someone dies around a Herald, they will keep speaking, addressing the microfauna consuming the corpse from within. If not prevented or advised otherwise, the Herald will ‘garden’ all the forms of life upon the corpse into a coherent whole, inhabiting the old form. It is the polite thing to do. Like helping someone who falls sick at your home, or offering new clothes to someone who has spilt their soup. They will educate this colony of things in how to consume the remaining chemical memories of its former host, how to walk in its body, then politely let it go. This may take time…

    “Though the Heralds are by no means evil things, they are so alien and strange that to most people they may as well be. They prefer to deal with intelligent undead, or other very long-lived and indifferent individuals. Unprejudiced. The surface as a whole is strange to them. They value calm, politeness, and a discreet hand. You can never be sure how someone will react…”

    -Trench Heralds, from “Fire on the Velvet Horizon”

  • I was like, wait, buddy - this is a solid meme but why are you the one posting it? Aren’t you one of the fake leftists that’s hitting her in the face?

    Then I figured out what you mean. Got it. Also - solid use of the phrase “blue MAGA” just kinda casually working that in there at the bottom, just to try to introduce it into the discourse, even though it makes absolutely no sense in context. (It was used in 18 comments all last month, compared with e.g. 1186 times for “troll”, and I’m guessing most of the uses of “blue MAGA” were gesturing at the Democrats in general instead of at you specifically. Although, I guess anything’s possible.)

  • Before one of OP’s other posts on this topic was removed as misinformation, I asked under that post what Biden could possibly have done aside from pardoning all federal convictions for possession, requesting the DEA to reschedule marijuana, and introducing a bill for full federal legalization which the Republicans defeated (all three of which happened).

    Crickets man. (I actually learned since then that it’s a little more complex – it actually seems like maybe Biden was opposed to the full legalization bill that Schumer was pushing, and there was definitely some level of Democratic opposition in the senate. So maybe that piece of the criticism is legit, IDK, but OP never brought that stuff up to me when I asked what Biden should do.)

    That conversation was actually the exact point that I became confident that OP’s just here to shit on Biden and specifically Biden for whatever reason, and any concordance that emerges between what he’s saying and the truth is purely accidental, and he knows it.

    (Also, fun fact Matt Gaetz switched sides to join with 2 other House Republicans to vote for weed legalization.)