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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • On 5 November 1910,[2][3] on her 14th outbound voyage, carrying a mixed cargo including a number of pianos for Chile, Preussen was at 23:35 rammed by the small British cross-channel steamer Brighton 8 nautical miles (15 km) south of Newhaven.[4] Contrary to regulations, Brighton had tried to cross her bows, underestimating her high speed of 16 knots (30 km/h). Preussen was seriously damaged and lost much of her forward rigging (bowsprit, fore topgallant mast), making it impossible to steer the ship to safety.

    Brighton returned to Newhaven to summon aid and the tug Alert was sent to assist Preussen. A November gale thwarted attempts to sail or tug her to safety in Dover Harbour. It was intended to anchor her off Dover, but both anchor chains broke, and Preussen was driven onto rocks at Crab Bay, where she sank as a result of the damage inflicted on her. While crew, cargo and some equipment could be saved from Preussen, with the keel broken she was rendered unsalvageable. She sits in 6 metres (3.3 fathoms) of water at 51°8.02′N 1°22.17′E. The Master of Brighton was found to be responsible for the accident and lost his licence as a result. A few ribs of Preussen can be seen off Crab Bay at low spring tides.

    Wow, that captain messed up big time.

  • This past Saturday I drove 9 hours (one way) to confront and yell at the family rapist.

    Had him and the rest of my family texting and calling frantically, telling me not to. That I was destroying the family, that I’d never see my cousins again, that I’d be arrested, that there would be a sheriffs deputy waiting to take me to jail if I showed up at the pedophiles house.

    But on the way up I just happened to listen to an NPR story about the murders in Castle Rock Colorado and how police refused to enforce a restraining order that resulted in the murder of three children, and then the subsequent trial that ended up with the supreme court saying that “cops have no duty to enforce a restraining order.” and then the story of Joe Lozito, the subway hero who sued the police dept. for failing to protect him and his fellow passengers from a knife-wielding spree killer they were on that train, specifically to look for. That case resulted in the supreme court saying that “the police have no duty to protect you.”

    So with that information, I decided that it was unlikely that 1. a pedophile rapist would call the police for help because his victim was coming to yell at him, and 2. that a cop, even if called, would show up at all.

    I yelled at that bitch while he sat in his mansion for 20 minutes at the top of my lungs. His new neighbors must have some thoughts 😊

  • I was 8 years old when my uncle raped me. Forced me to sit down, told me not to tell anyone, because they wouldn’t believe me, and why would I want to put the family through that? He is my fathers identical twin, he said I would ruin my fathers relationship with him if I said anything.

    I believed him. Didn’t think anyone would believe me, and I didn’t want to tattle, so I decided the best way to do it would be to act as sad as I felt, wait for my parents or teachers to ask what was wrong, and then I would tell.

    I acted out for weeks, nobody noticed, nobody asked.

    So, I decided that maybe they already knew, maybe they already beat him up, maybe I should just forget it ever happened and move on, try to enjoy my childhood. I forgot. I told myself to, remember telling myself to, even.

    Decades later, $200k in student loan debt, struggling with addiction, suicidal thoughts, very uncomfortable and obtrusive sexual thoughts, I almost killed myself so. many. times.

    Now I’m sober, in therapy, good job, stable-ish home environment living by myself, the memory came back.

    Decided that I would confront him, decided that I would tell my parents first to get their support. They didn’t believe me. I drove across the country seeking to confront the bastard in person, my parents got wind of it and warned him to stay away, protecting him.

    It’s been too long to seek actual charges in a criminal court, I was in the bottom of a bottle for almost a decade after the nightmares started.

    There’s no hope for closure. No hope for an apology, an admittance, compensation, nothing. I get nothing. He ruined my life, and I get nothing.

    I wake up thinking about killing myself most days.

  • We’re all just reeling from traumatic experience to traumatic experience. We don’t get any real time to slow down and heal, so emotions from one trauma show up in other unrelated problems. People become a bull in a china shop, hit someone else, who then becomes another bull in said china shop, they hit a few more, who then in turn become more bulls, so to anyone in the china shop that hasn’t been hit yet, it all seems chaotic and evil. We’re all just deeply traumatized with no avenue for healing.