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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The Phenom 2?!

    I barely remember it, but yeah, it was a beast.

    But my 1700x went hard for five years. The only reason I tacked the extra 5 on was x3d changes things up.

    Now, since I’ve made that comment AMD has solved the Zen 5 latency issues but cutting it by more than half. That’s what was holding it back. So when the Zen 5 x3d comes out, it’s going to be nuts.


    It’s going to take a while for those changes to become industry standard. It might be a year before Zen 5 x3d, I’m not sure if they’ve even announced when. So games won’t take full advantage of them right away.

    It takes like a 4070 super to CPU bound a 7800x3d, and fine tune some settings and it’ll balance out

    We’re not going to have a new screen resolution jump, and that combo can max out 4k 120fps on pretty much anything thanks to frame generation without even touching upscaling.

    There’s just not a lot to improve until we see a major jump like VR finally taking off.

  • Nate Silver


    The guy who kept saying Hillary would win despite polling, fucked up covid and argued against medical experts, got laid off from his own company and called Biden a “walking corpse”?

    The one literally bankrolled by the same guy bankrolling JD Vance?


    Why are you listening to him? Did you see that takedown article from today and walk away from it thinking he was the good guy?

    I now coincidences are a thing, but that’s a little spooky…

    If not, you should read that, here’s a good quote from it:

    Accordingly, the uproar over the current forecast, from people who want Harris to win, has been quite pronounced. “Who bought #NateSilver and how much did he go for?” actress Bette Midler posted on X. Baseless conspiracy theories have been hatched that Silver’s recently announced gig as an adviser to the online prediction market Polymarket is spurring him to do the bidding of right-wing billionaires and skew his analysis against Harris. (Silver has strongly denied those claims. “Peter Thiel isn’t paying me any more than he’s paying someone who works for Facebook or Lyft,” he recently posted on X.)

    Among the more data-literate, the main critique of Silver’s model lately has been that it’s unfairly punishing Harris for not getting a big polling bounce after the Democratic convention. (Nominees typically get a bounce then and lose some of that advantage later on, but this is an unusual cycle and perhaps Harris got her “bounce” earlier, when she entered the race.) On September 7, Silver wrote that if the “convention bounce” setting was turned off, the model would show something extremely close to a pure 50-50 contest; he has also said that this effect will dwindle the further we get from the convention.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWe must act now
    2 days ago

    I think that really speaks to how we should approach republican voters.

    We’ll never really get their votes, but we can get them to sit this one out.

    Highlight the areas they disagree with rather than try to compromise on policy to hope they jump straight to D.

    Aim it directly at the battleground states, it’s gotta be easier to convince two Republicans to just not vote than to convince 1 Republican to vote D.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWe must act now
    2 days ago

    trump did have the balls to use executive order in response to a mass shooting…

    Pretty sure he’s always been against guns tho, most rich people are. They’ve fucked over too many people to want someone to be able to kill them that easily.

    Sure, it eventually got overturned, but it worked for almost a decade before the SC struck it down

    Biden tried to do some, but the ones that actually mandated action never went into effect, and the rest was the usual “looking into” bullshit. You can buy a pistol brace right now, and “ghost guns” are still unserialized.

    So (for completely selfish reasons) trump actually has a pretty good track record on gun control for the last 20 some years of American presidents.

    Which almost everyone willing to vote for him would fucking hate if they weren’t too dumb to notice.

  • He didn’t before Kamala started telling everyone how conservative she is now…

    She’s better than Biden, absolutely better to trump…

    But she’s still more conservative than most of the Dem voter base

    Republicans use polls of Republican voters, they dont give two shits what Dems want. But Dem politicians keep fucking looking at polls of all voters, and using that to drive policy.

    The result is no candidate really represents Dem voters, just the small (but very vocal) conservative wing of the Dem party. One tried to tell me Reagan was further left economically than Obama earlier today, and I think they really believed it.

    They’re just completely disengaged from other Dem voters, they think because neoliberals politicians still have a stranglehold on party leadership it means they’re the majority.

    Worst case of running a progressive candidate is they pull another PUMA like in 08 where they tried to get the Republican elected to spite Obama when he beat Hillary…

    Their republican votes were completely inconsequential.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPedal To The Metal
    3 days ago

    If only the popular vote mattered…

    Hillary wasn’t focused on the electoral college, she cared about beating Obama’s vote totals to “prove” she should have beat him. So she prioritized the popular vote when campaigning, causing idiots to think she was going to win. Because normally if popular is that high. It’s implied battlegrounds are safe too. Because that’s the metric that matters and what campaigns should be focusing on.

    Hillary just skipped caring about battlegrounds, went straight to popular, and declared that made her winner…

    Like, statistically the NFL team that wins the Super Bowl is the one that scores the most touchdowns. But if one team scores 1 TD and the other gets 17 field goals, the team with the most TDs lost.

    She focused on correlation, not causation.

    Because of that trump became president.

    Blame anyone dumb enough to give a shit about a national poll a week out from an election. Then realize a lot of Clinton’s 2016 campaign people are inexplicably now running Kamala’s campaign and the DNC.

    We need to get rid of all those people who haven’t understood American politics for decades, they’re just the only other option besides trump so it still works despite them sometimes.

    But they clearly have no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

  • It would be hilarious to just respond verbatim with what trump and JD have said about school shootings…

    It’s a very terrible thing that happened. And it’s just terrible to see that happening. It’s just terrible. So surprising to see it here. But, we have to get over it. We have to move forward. We have to move forward. But, to the relatives and to all of the people that are so devastated right now, to a point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you all the way. We’re with you and we love you and cherish you.

    I mean, trump said that to parents who’s kids weren’t even fucking buried yet.

    He didn’t even get shot at this time.

    Him trying to make this into a big deal is just asking to highlight how he doesn’t give a fuck about his voters, he just cares about himself.

    We need to treat trump like he’s the problem because he won’t accept that being American means you might get shot at any moment.

    If Kamala really ovaried up and said:

    If Trump doesn’t like the second amendment he can move to Canada.

    Then that would actually hurt his numbers with right wingers when he keeps complaining.

    Two assassination attempts in two months, he should be upset and we do need gun control. But a republican can’t say that and not lose voters. So make it so everytime he complains about it, he loses voters.

  • I have vivid memories of people having the firm belief that there was something up with the attack on 9/11. Was this just my social circle?

    “Conspiracy” covers a lot of area.

    There’s people that think explosives were planted because “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” and they’ve always been ridiculed.

    There are people that look at facts that the different intelligence agencies had all the information to put it together, but due to Dick Cheney requiring each agency only report to him, he was the only one that saw every piece of the puzzle and would have known enough to stop it. GW didn’t even know enough, because Cheney was the only one talking directly to GW.

    So some people have always thought Cheney (whether on his own or not) allowed 9/11 to happen to justify the wars he started under Regean and HW to continue indefinitely.

    There’s people who claim Israel funded and caused it, when there isn’t really any evidence.

    There’s people who claim Israeli spies were caught celebrating… But that was undocumented immigrants celebrating they got the day off work.


    That’s how conspiracy theories spread.

    They took a kernal.of truth and build on it till it becomes something completely out of control.

    Immediately after 9/11 everyone had questions and that’s 100% normal, I think that’s what you’re remembering.

    It’s not the same as insisiting an unfounded conspiracy theory was true based on spurious evidence.