• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I disagree because there will come a day in the future, however distant it may or may not be, that folks of all classes will have affordable access to space tourism, and most folks (read: the non-rich) do not need to be taxed any more than they already are.

    Now, taxing those who own space tourism is something I can get behind. Tax them for the pollution they generate for fueling their rockets. Tax them for any space debris they generate. And tax them for simply existing in the first place.

  • So there was a reduction of family-operators farming between 1950 and 1990; by 74%. Of course, the number of hired workers has risen. On the surface that makes sense. I would imagine that farms hire illegal immigrants so that they can pay them less than the minimum visa-required pay (which is slightly more than minimum wage); probably also do not provide much in the way of benefits or vacation either. That’s my hunch.

    But if i were a young man, and i went through college, and was struggling finding a career in my field and facing the student debt i no-doubt accrued during college, i sure as shit wouldn’t want to spend any amount of time doing indentured servitude. If i did, I’d voluntarily join the Peace Corps or something.

    This is insane.

  • None of what you describe is necessarily mutually exclusive. You can be broken, misled, misinformed, and stupid, while still being good at heart.

    I think that everyone is blind to something. Some of us are less so than others. Growing up in this world will do that to a person. Shit happens to everybody. Some of us are better equipped than others to handle it, while others are not.

  • I understand why the employee is not pressing charges. It’s a matter of their and their family’s safety. Ok.

    But what I don’t understand is that if using the cemetery for political purposes is against the law, and there are obviously many photos released and used in Trump’s campaign material, why not use that evidence to charge Trump¥, the campaign, and the photographers?

    ¥ Sadly even if they tried to arrest Trump, I’m sure it wouldn’t stick anyway because apparently he gets away with everything.

  • Sometimes it takes a little unintentional embarrassment to drive a point home. It’ll make them think twice next time.

    What I mean by that is that as long as you’re not intentionally or maliciously trying to embarrass them, then you shouldn’t feel bad. You cannot always control how somebody receives information; nor should you. The best you can do is to be clear and polite in your communication. If someone’s feelings get hurt, that’s on them to reconcile, not you.

    This is genuinely like parenting a child: they need to develop their critical thinking skills, and to gain their own confidence. So they must be left to make their own mistakes to learn from. Your job is to give show them the tools to use, give advice when necessary, and be there to catch them when they fall; because they will fall.

    Doing this will help bolster their self-confidence and make them better mid-/senior-developers later in their career. Coddling them and constantly holding their hand will make them reliant on other people and prevent them from learning anything.

    Edit: also remember KISS. 😊