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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If I could meet any historical figure, it’d be Ronald Reagan just to kick his fucking teeth in for as long as possible. Just break a bone for every queer he let die to AIDS until he doesn’t have any left. Dude was an absolute monster, and anyone who still hero-worships his lying miserable ass isn’t worth talking to.

  • djsoren19@yiffit.nettoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOrganized Left
    10 days ago

    The right falls in line because they’re fascists who are afraid of thinking for themselves. Diversity of thought causes discourse, that’s a natural fact, but it should be celebrated as a strength. Looking for leftists to shut up and fall in line is like peak “enlightened centrist” thinking.

    1. Wasn’t really explained. My mom had a desktop computer in the 2000s though, and was happy enough to let me mess around on it. I think most of my learning was from videogame tutorials.

    2. I am absolutely aware, growing up with access to the entire collective human experience is batshit insane. I’m glad that I mostly abstained from the social media craze, but just the sheer amount of noise the Internet generates can be overwhelming.

    3. My mother was incredibly distant, and my father wasn’t around, so I had very, very few limiters on my internet access. I feel pretty strongly that this was a mistake, as being raised by the internet in the manner I was led to me really struggling to connect with people and empathize with them, vs just trying to exploit and scam strangers.

    As for just general anecdotes…trying to even comprehend the world before the internet is really hard for me. It might as well be the Dark Ages, compared to what came after. Where I work was still using typewriters through the 90s, and only recently started using email in the 2010s, and it boggles my mind that people were able to do my job without a computer at all. It just seems like things would have been significantly more difficult.

  • If your point is that the American system is fucked, we all know. We’ve known for decades. We’re trying to fix it, but progress is basically nonexistent, because every politician who is currently elected benefits from our fucked system. Trying to get to a parliamentary system, like most developed real democracies, is almost entirely out of reach. Just getting ranked choice voting is like pulling teeth, and we’ll have to create a brand new party to have politicians free from corporate interests.

    I will have to fight all my life to enact positive change in this country, all because a bunch of rich white assholes who came to power long before I was born have stolen my future from me. Don’t belittle us, mourn for us and never, ever repeat our mistakes.