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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m lucky enough that both of the shareholders of my company are software engineers; one has transitioned to sales and project management, the other is still an engineer, he’s also the CTO.

    Was discussing office chairs with our team lead/office supplies person (it’s a really small company, some people have multiple roles) and when I mentioned that my chair gets really creaky when leaning back but otherwise it works so it really just needs some lubrication, she asked why I would even lean so far back in my chair and the CTO told her “There’s two sitting positions for programming. The writing position and the thinking position”

    TL;DR: Takes an engineer to know how engineering works. Turns out that you have to spend a lot of time just thinking

  • There’s always a question of where do we draw the line?

    The justice system is a form of government overreach. To be truly free, everyone should be allowed to do absolutely anything, including murder and theft.

    Hmm, doesn’t seem like a good idea. People might infringe on other people’s right to live, or more importantly, their private property. Maybe we should do something about it… Idk, adopt some laws, have police that can arrest you for committing a crime?

    Okay, now we already have a government, but they don’t do a whole lot. Yet to some, this would still be called overreach.

    Ding ding ding, it’s a fire! In your neighborhood! Who’s going to put it out? Well the private firefighters are - IF the owner first sells the house to them for cheap. Otherwise, what’s the point even?

    Wait, shit… Maybe firefighters shouldn’t be private either?

    Anyway, this is all too much for my tiny mind right now. You see, I grew up somewhat poor so I should’ve gone and worked the farms at the age of 7 instead of going to school, which my family shouldn’t have been able to afford under a completely fair, anarcho-capitalist system. Unfortunately, it was free for me - other people suffered and paid taxes so that I could receive free education I didn’t deserve, and the social mobility that comes with it. I now have those peoples’ blood on my hands, for they paid a little bit of income and social taxes.

  • I’m seriously considering dropping everything and jumping to Rust because of Cargo.

    Well if you’re into game dev, ECS and Rust, there’s like a 99% chance you know of it, but just in case you don’t: We have bevy, now with an extra full-time dev (Alice, who’d been working hard at it for years, I think she’s a bigger contributor than the author himself at this point lol)

  • I’m not a teacher, and I don’t want to become one tbh.

    That said, something like Python is standard, and for good reason IMO. For OOP they usually teach Java here, though I’m not a huge fan. I think Kotlin would be better to teach nowadays. There are other OO languages of course, but I’m of the opinion that after messing around with Python, students should probably use something strongly typed, so that’s JavaScript out - I suppose TypeScript could be used, but IMO it’d be best to keep JS/TS in a web dev specific course.