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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • What are your plans when end of life /support comes to Windows ten?

    Switch to Linux and run virtual machines when I need to use Windows.

    Right now I don’t quite have the drive to do it, but an end to support for Windows 10 would push me over the edge. I just can’t stand Windows 11, not even because of all the bullshit but just the way it mandates the UI structure - last time I tried it my dealbreaker was that you can’t just have it always display all taskbar icons, you have to manually force each one to show. If a new icon comes up, it will be hidden.

  • Trump secured three pay raises for our troops and their families including the largest pay raise in over a decade.

    Not quite correct:

    Basic pay for the military did increase by 2.4 percent on Jan. 1, 2018 — the largest in eight years. But pay increases are determined by a statutory formula, and Trump in fact requested an amount below the automatic adjustment for 2018. Congress overrode the president’s proposal, and Trump ultimately agreed to fully fund the increase as determined by federal law.

    Trump didn’t secure the pay raise, he wanted to pay them less but was overruled. The other pay raises were also mandatory.

    The increase under Trump was also only 2.4%, and the most in 8 years (not “over a decade”). Meanwhile the increase under Biden was 5.2%, the most in decades, plural, more than 20 years.


    He rebuilt the military after 8 years of neglect under the previous administration with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020.

    Spending in defense =/= good for servicemen and veterans. The vast majority of military spending does not go to personnel.

    He created the space force as well which was the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces since 1947.

    Splintering the USAF off and creating the Space Force arguably does not help the country. For one, the organisations’ mandates and domains are so similar that the difference does not provide benefit (NASA covers both aeronautics and space, for good reason). Second, this makes it easier for enemies of the US to determine how much is being inveseted in space activities through separate public disclosures, making it harder for the US to maintain its military lead.

    He vetoed the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, which failed to protect our national security, disrespected the history of our veterans and military, and contradicted our efforts to put America first.

    Trump vetoed a bill that had an overwhelming bipartisan majority behind it, knowing full well that his veto would be overruled. That’s not a real veto, that’s just for show, just to give him something to complain about on social media. The veto was also an attempt to halt funding to federal agencies, a common tactic of the Republican party, and one that hurts actual service members requiring them to continue working without pay.

    He protected America’s defense-industrial base, directing the first whole-of-government assessment of our manufacturing and defense supply chains since the 1950s.

    Trump also stole classified documents and leaked them to Russia. Him running an “assessment” of US defense supply chains is more about him providing intel to foreign adversaries.

    He also helped our Veterans out by giving them the ability to go to whatever doctor they want to go to so they would no longer have to wait so long that some of them were dying to be seen at the VA.

    He helped the US healthcare industry by giving them more customers and overruled the VA’s pricing system, such that the taxpayer pays more to exploitative corporations.

    And I believe that he would have done much more for our military if he wasn’t being held down by all of phony Russia collusion nonsense.

    HAH. Trump has always been in bed with Russia, this has been public knowledge since the 80s. His young girl talent agencies were involved with Russian human trafficking.

    You’ve got your head buried in the sand. Trump would rather gut and gimp the military so the US can roll over for Russia.

  • Apologies for the delay in my reply here, I’ve only just got around to checking your links.

    Both of these sources are primarily centred around Trump’s tweet, repeating and amplifying it as if what he says is true.

    The first one has a video clip where the reporter clearly slipped up and didn’t have his facts straight. However, Cotton was also lying - he misrepresented Kamala’s position, as if to say she would take things away from people. The private health industry in the US is diabolical and needs sorting out, such that it isn’t tied to your employment. No one should be left in a situation where losing their job means they lose their healthcare. This is what Kamala was referring to by “abolish private health insurance on the job”. This would eliminate private health insurance as we know it, but it wouldn’t entirely eliminate private health insurance as you’d still be able to take out your own policy, separate from work. What she’s talking about is healthcare that’s free at the point of service, much like in Canada and the UK. Those systems aren’t free for everyone, but you don’t have the bullshit hoops with doctors being out of plan that insurance and the healthcare industry fleeces everyone with.

    The first link also had a comment about veterans:

    In the heated interview, Karl pressed Cotton on Trump’s recent remarks referring to the Medal of Freedom as “equivalent” to or “much better” than the Medal of Honor, which is the nation’s highest military award for bravery in combat.

    “Jon, you’re totally taking that out of context. Donald Trump was great for our military. He is great for our veterans,” Cotton retorted.

    This is completely false. Trump has not been good for the military, and he’s certainly not been good to veterans. He doesn’t even pretend to be good to veterans.

    The second article, hosted on MSN but originally written by “Hindustan Times”, also goes into the healthcare thing, so I won’t repeat that part. However it does elaborate more on the "How do you know that is not her position now?” and accuses her of hiding her position. This is simply bullshit: when a person campaigns on something, that becomes their mandate. A politician can’t win an election and then use that as a mandate to do something else - which is exactly what the Republicans have done eg with repealing Roe vs Wade. There is no evidence that the Democrats are doing this, just a blind accusation from a party that already engages in this practice.

    The reporter and Cotton then bickered about whether or not she had changed. Frankly, it’s all a very shit interview, and the reporter doesn’t come across as a very good journalist. However, to say that this proves the network is biased is a very weak argument. A reporter is supposed to be opposed to the person they’re interviewing, particularly with politicians, in order to challenge them. A good reporter would challenge guests regardless of which way the guest leans, in such a way that they ask difficult questions. It can easily seem that they’re biased if you only look at one interview, because they’re not on side with that guest, but you need to see interviews of both side to determine this. Without an interview of a Democrat where the reporter/network is clearly on side with them and does not ask difficult questions, this is nothing but an excuse for Trump to try and weasel out of a debate he agreed to but is now afraid of.

    And if you look back to the interview with Harris in 2019, the reporter then did ask difficult questions when she talked about changing the healthcare industry.

    You seem to be taking the words of Trump, a serial liar, as gospel. That is a mistake and not something that you can rationally justify.

  • Kamala wants to change the rules of the one debate she said she’d do.

    Kamala wants to change the rules to what Trump has demanded previously.

    She even wants to have notes during the debate.

    Trump would have the same option of notes, only he’s afraid that someone organised would more readily call out his bullshit.

    They’re also the network that gave a candidate the questions ahead of time before. Donna Brazille admitted to it.


    Just a few days ago, a reporter on ABC tried lying for Kamala to when he was interviewing Tom Cotton.

    Again, source. Also there’s a difference between a reporter lying in an interview, perhaps to elicit a reaction from the interviewee, and a reporter lying on behalf of Kamala (which you’re implying), let alone at her request.

    but I do think he should unless she agrees to do a debate on a Conservative network.

    “Anything not on my side is biased” - you do not understand reality. Stop watching Fox News, that’s not a news channel, it’s fake entertainment, by their own admission under oath.