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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • They’ve definitely put in a lot of work to justify the position the US has, that’s for sure and I ain’t arguing that. What I am saying is that all of that is secondary to having American and European colonial nation strategically located in a conflict zone that has been a conflict zone for a long fucking time up to this point and will continue to be.

    That’s my whole point. That at the end of the day, money or no money, America would still support Israel. The inclusion of all that marketing makes it easier to justify. You could even say it changes the scale of that support. But with or without it, America is gonna do what America does. Back it’s interests. Are we arguing over semantics here? Or are you really saying the #1 driving force of American support of Israel is this lobby group and it’s surrounding antics? Or can we just admit that it’s a supporting role?

    Look. All I am trying to do is lessen a lot of the borderline Jewish conspiracies I have seen show up lately. I just dislike people playing into “Jews control the world” shit. I dislike that rhetoric and I believe it to be harmful as fuck to the people who don’t know as much. I believe it confuses the motivations for the sake of being quippy and that blurry area that’s created is filled with all the anti semitic shit people were exposed to all their lives. You’re really going to sit and argue with me over all that? Go ahead. I made my point a few times over now. Take it away.

  • Yeah dude. It’s Jewish money flowing into American pockets that’s why we do what we do. Nothing to do with America’s long standing policy to support anyone who is friendly with us regardless of what they do to their own people or neighbors as long as we keep our access when we need it.

    It’s not like we haven’t done this before. See: literally every dictator we have propped up. Why would Israel be any different? Why is it specifically isreal that geopolitical considerations ain’t enough to get us to back another genocide? We have backed loads of genocides for less.

  • You think a western aligned colony of Europeans and Americans sitting in the middle of an otherwise hostile part of the world needs any more grease? You ain’t thinking like a state. You ain’t playing that mental game of interests and geopolitical boardgame shenanigans. You’re thinking that there’s no way America would do this on its own, that it has to be coaxed into supporting a genocide. Nah dude. Here’s the simple breakdown. Israel will do what we say when we need to get something done in the region. After that, anything goes. This is basic American foreign policy. We supported mass killings and genocides our whole existence because the killers were technically our friends. Why would this time be any different? Or what next, you going to say Nicaragua owned American politics? How bout south Korea? Why would isreal be different.

  • I hate the idea that people throw around that Israel has any influence over the US. They don’t. Israel is a puppet of America. It only looks like they can influence us because we are already doing what they want. Because they are our puppet and we want a happy and strong puppet.

    All this to say, let’s not fall into stupid “Jews run the world” bullshit when the truth is much simpler. It’d be like saying “America runs Britain” because the French and Indian war. Empires go to bat for their colonies.

    Edit: let me define influence in the way I am using it Incase some people get confused. Influence is the ability to make someone do something they would otherwise not do. Regardless of any colonial advocacy group, the US would fund Israel. The advocacy group simply communicates ways to make that funding more efficient and aligning already pretty well aligned goals. I wouldn’t call that influence.