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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023

  • Can we? Yes. Immediately sending peacekeeping forces to prevent the IDF from continuing to engage in genocide and coordination with neighboring countries to figure out whether this is a relocation situation or a proper two state solution (and what that would require).

    Will we? No. Because if we cared we would have done it decades ago. The US doesn’t care because we decided Israel are our allies in the region and most of NATO falls along those lines. And neighboring countries don’t care because they don’t actually like the Palestinian people (and actively block refugees) and mostly just want to hurt Israel through them.

  • Doesn’t really change much.

    You NEVER connect to sensitive resources via wifi. Different orgs and levels have different rules about whether a device capable of wifi can even be in the same room, but the key is to not connect it to the secure network. This is commonly referred to as “an airgap”. And if you are wondering how different ships can communicate with each other and The US? Don’t ask questions!

    For less sensitive resources? YOLO that shit. But it is also incredibly trivial to set up a security model where users cannot connect to arbitrary networks.

    So StinkyNet would, presumably, only be usable by personal devices. Which should have absolutely nothing sensitive on them to begin with. And if anything on any of the ship’s sensitive networks was even able to connect to StinkyNet then… the Navy done fucked up.

    Which… might explain the rapid action to punish those who violated policy.

  • And if there is not immense amounts of “do not have a fucking fitbit” levels of warnings and policies, that is a problem for the US Navy itself. Because a lot of those will also cache data and send the last N days once they get back to shore.

    Again, unless they were ACTUALLY doing sensitive stuff (rather than just “sensitive by default” to protect Leadership™ from having to think and make decisions) then we are looking at the same problem the russians have in Ukraine.

    Otherwise? It is a policy violation, not a security violation, in and of itself. What people then share on social media is on them.

    And a friendly reminder: Policy is made to minimize the risk of a security issue and you should follow it (if only because you are paid to). But it is VERY important to understand what you are actually protecting yourself from so that you understand if policy is even doing anything. Otherwise you get complete insanity as more and more bureaucrats and Leaders™ add bullshit so they can get a bonus for being “security minded”.

  • The bag isn’t THAT wet (just enough chemicals to keep it from going purple AND to make getting good hashbrowns nigh impossible without more effort than it took to shred it in the first place) but yeah. Check your refrigerated lunch meats and cheese displays at your local supermarket.

    I personally love them for “breakfast for dinner” or a week night (blasphemous) burrito. They are shit because they take so long to properly crisp up, but you can get them into perfect burrito texture in like 10-15 minutes on the stove.

    And yeah. Unshredded chunks are incredibly common. First time I saw like half a potato though.

  • This comes up every single time there is a commonly used bigoted slur.

    I want to say it was two years ago that a prominent Black actor caught some hell for saying something like “Remember, they killed Jesus”. Everyone came out of the woodwork to point out that is a common phrase in African American culture and it refers to the idea that people who are ostensibly your friend can turn on you when you become too successful. And that is true. But there is also a LONG history of anti-semitism in African American culture and it is pretty obvious where the roots of that are.

    Or? I think at this point everyone is aware of the origins of the homophobic slur that starts with an ‘f’ and means “bundle of sticks”. And, with deepest apologies to the Romani people, how many of us learned “you jipped me” is actually a racist slur from an episode of House? Kids on a playground don’t even know what a Romani person is and they don’t mean it in a racist manner. But it makes for a crappier world.

    So it should not at all be a stretch to understand that “from the river to the sea” as a rallying cry for Palestinians is anti-Israel. And while there are a LOT of reasons why there would be so much animosity between those two groups, it is still a phrase that argues that they fundamentally cannot coexist (which… is probably true).

    Its one of those things where I am not going to bat an eye at a group that is actively being genocided in an open air prison saying it. I am going to throw a LOT of side eye at other groups in the region using that language because it has always been clear that they only support Palestine for the purposes of hurting Israel.

    And when random people online put a black box in their facebook profile picture and say it? They are, at best, useful idiots. But they are also continuing to make this about anti-semitism rather than about a nation having tortured a people for decades.

    Part of growing up is learning when words we say have alternate meanings. And then deciding to not use those specific words as a way to not look as though we approve of said alternate meanings. And when there are so many better ways to express support for the Palestinian people that don’t involve anti-semitic rhetoric that only serves to protect the murderers?

  • The issue is: What is right and what is wrong?

    "mondegreen"s are so ubiquitous that there are multiple websites dedicated to it. Is it “wrong” to tell someone that the song where Jimi Hendrix talked about kissing a guy is Purple Haze? And even pointing out where in the song that happens has value.

    In general, I would prefer it if all AI Search Engines provided references. Even a top two or three pages. But that gets messy when said reference is telling someone they misunderstood a movie plot or whatever. “The movie where Anthony Hopkins pays Brad Pitt for eternal life using his daughter is Meet Joe Black. Also you completely missed the point of that movie” is a surefired way to make customers incredibly angry because we live in bubbles where everything we do or say (or what influencers do or say and we pretend we agree with…) is reinforced, truth or not.

    And while it deeply annoys me when I am trying to figure out how to do something in Gitlab CI or whatever and get complete nonsense based on a single feature proposal from five years ago? That… isn’t much better than asking for help in a message board where people are going to just ignore the prompt and say whatever they Believe.

    In a lot of ways, the backlash against the LLMs reminds me a lot of when people get angry at self checkout lines. People have this memory of a time that never was where cashiers were amazingly quick baggers and NEVER had to ask for help to figure out if something was an Anaheim or Poblano pepper or have trouble scanning something or so forth. Same with this idea of when search (for anything non-trivial) was super duper easy and perfect and how everyone always got exactly the answer they wanted when they posted on a message board rather than complete nonsense (if they weren’t outright berated for not searching for a post from ten years ago that is irrelevant).

  • The CCP are actively engaging in genocide (remember the Uyghurs? Probably shouldn’t if you don’t want to piss off the CCP) and have a long history of “reeducation” camps.

    While I have very serious problems with how the majority of western nations handle immigration and human rights violations, that is more along the lines of “oh, please stop isreal. By the way, here are all those bombs you asked for. Don’t use them all on one mosque!” or actively turning people back to be executed in the horror they are running from (although, the US is doing a great job of having some stuff that looks a lot like concentration camps on the Southern border…).

    But it is still night and day in terms of horror. The day is pretty shitty but the night… holy fuck.

    But also? That doesn’t change anything. It is a nation’s responsibility to engage in basic espionage if only to protect its people’s interests. And governments all have the power to basically shit on a visitor’s human rights so long as they can keep the embassies from finding out. So why take any risks you don’t need to?