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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I’m not saying you have to spend time with people you don’t like. If you formed a political party of only people you would personally choose to hang out in a bar with, your party would never have any significance.

    We have way bigger things to worry about than what Dick Cheney thinks. Insect counts are down globally, it was the hottest summer on record again, COVID is still with us and becoming more contagious, people are struggling to even buy groceries after all the pandemic price gouging, and the only ideas the Republicans have are to lower taxes on the wealthy again.

    Vote with your brain, not your feelings.

  • Well look, not to be dismissive of what you’re saying, but the technical aspects of it really don’t matter. There is not (yet) any law in the US that would protect people from such surveillance, regardless of its current technical infeasibility. The point of getting people at large worried or upset about this is to get law established before it becomes a widespread problem, not after some company publicly admits to doing something despicable.

    The fact that companies are thinking about this, trying to accomplish it, trying to buy this functionality from other companies… that should be enough to scare people and get them angry. It’s certainly enough that we should all be talking about it, and publicly shaming them for the voyeuristic creeps that they are.

    There should be riots in the streets over stuff like this, because you can’t build a surveillance state without surveillance technology.

  • For a “robot” or other automated appliance to be able to perform tasks in the world, it must be able to perceive the world around it in some way. For it to interact with humans, it must perceive the humans (observe their actions, interpret their instructions, and understand their intentions). The direction our technology is headed in has shown us that any such device would primarily be a surveillance platform which collects data on its users. Any helpful tasks it might perform for the user would be the bait that gets them to swallow the hook, and not the device’s primary purpose.

    I don’t want a smart car or a smart TV and definitely not a smart household appliance such as a refrigerator. Why would I want a self-propelled, self-aware surveillance platform under the control of a multi-billion dollar corporation in my home? or workplace? or anywhere?

  • Oh yeah, absolutely, all of that, especially creature comforts like variety. You farm all day, every day, because if you don’t you starve. And that’s why potatoes… because they’re the lowest effort, and most reliable, and you can store them for awhile without refrigeration, and if you’re managing to produce other stuff you either eat it before it spoils, or you’re selling it to make a little money so you can get your farm tools fixed, and you’re just surviving on the potatoes (with some salt, if you can afford it).

    I think a lot of people don’t realize what a luxury refrigeration is. Being able to walk into a grocery store to get fresh fruits and vegetables in mid-winter requires a crazy amount of infrastructure.

  • people tend to underestimate how fucking miserable subsistence farming is

    hash browns for breakfast

    baked potato for lunch

    mashed potatoes for dinner

    potato latkes for breakfast

    potato soup for lunch

    scalloped potatoes for dinner

    potatoes O’Brien for breakfast - but without the peppers and onions

    potato salad for lunch

    potatoes au gratin for dinner


    potatoes again…

    more potatoes…

    …at least there is vodka.