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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I absolute agree with you that that is how employers are viewing it and I agree with your disagreement with people in the industry that suggest the solution is ten hour days for blue collar workers.

    (One of) The problem(s) behind this is that the capital class seemingly does not care what the evidence shows, and are only interested in what feels more productive. To them, it feels more productive to have fewer workers, for longer hours, with less safety measures, and because they feel it’s more efficient, that means it must be (because it costs more “less”). Until we change that, or sufficiently collectivize to force them to change, it’s gonna be hard to move the needle.

  • I mean, a four day work week still benefits blue collar jobs, though it’s understandably more difficult to implement this in a some blue collar workspaces, and I dont claim to have the answer for how to do it by any means.

    Factories would benefit from seven day work weeks, more time producing not less.

    Factories benefit from higher efficiency, and less downtime, which can be achieved with more employees, working less, being less tired, more satisfied with their pay and benefits, and having fewer accidents which interrupt production.

    It can be done, but other systems also need changing to help it along.

  • I understand why you and many other people are extremely reluctant to vote/against voting in this election. But I feel your analogy is incorrect.

    By not voting for the douche bloodthirsty democrat you are supporting the turd sandwich fascist and (more) bloodthirsty republican, in the same way that not pulling the lever is supporting the death of more people on the train tracks.

    Not buying diesel/gas car =/= inherent passive support for electric in any way, but in a two party system, in an election like this one, not voting, or not voting democrat directly increases pedestrian train deaths the odds of america falling to a fascist party with a plan. You can vote * and still protest, petition, and riot against the policies you dont like.