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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • It depends on the farm. It’s not completely unskilled labor, especially if you’re dealing with livestock or large machinery like what’s used for harvesting/spreading manure/tilling.

    Implementing something like what’s being suggested would require some sort if funding from the government to train people to get ready to do it, and honestly a lot of farmers aren’t going to want a bunch of green farmhands all at the same time. In a lot of cases it’d be more trouble than it’s worth.

    Asking someone who has never been on a farm to just jump in on an operation and be helpful is kinda setting everyone up to fail. There’s more to a farm than picking crops and cleaning up animal poop.

    I mean, something simple like fixing a fence can be a pain in the ass if you dont know what youre doing. Plus, theres a lot of ways to get hurt or killed if you’re not familiar with the environment.

  • It would if there’s already a therapeutic medication available(but more research could create a cure, or better therapies).

    Usually insurance will deny a medication for these diseases either because the medication currently available is older(no one prescribes that anymore!), or it’s too expensive, or it’s too new/was developed in another country. For example ireland developed a new medication for narcolepsy, but it’s impossible to get in the US, nevermind getting insurance coverage.

    I’m on one med that was developed in the 60’s and it’s the only one that actually works. It’s over $300 a month. The other newer one I tried made in the 90’s is over $1000 a month and doesn’t work as well. Insurance tried to deny coverage for both.

    The problem with older meds is there’s fewer manufacturers so they can charge whatever they want due to lack of competition. There’s little demand, so the few people who need it are charged out the ass for them since insurance will deny deny deny.

  • This could be very good for people with orphan diseases(diseases that are rare enough that they aren’t profitable for private companies to research)

    Also, having an orphan disease often results in insurance companies denying coverage for everything because they don’t have a policy written up for that specific disease… so there’s no script for the workers to follow. Then your doctor has to argue with them, which can take weeks, in the meantime you have no medication.

    Yeah, I’m not mad or anything. I wish I could’ve cooked up my own meds when insurance denied me life giving meds because they’d never heard of my disorder.