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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • In addition to the fact that pointing out fascist rhetoric is important in general,

    This fear campaign against Springfield’s Haitian immigrants contains echoes of some of the oldest xenophobic stereotypes.

    Vance began to speak about Springfield in early July…

    There, Vance mentioned Springfield as part of a line of questioning that sought to tie immigration to inflated housing costs across the country.

    Vance ratcheted up his rhetoric the following day at the National Conservatism conference.

    From a city official mentioned in the article

    The sad thing is none of this was stirred up until JD Vance started publicizing it,” Ruby told TPM. “It was an internal thing that we were handling and handling well.

    So they aren’t just spouting crazy shit, this is intentional and calculated, to divide and defeat a city that was already on the right path

  • There were times when he didn’t pivot as well as he should have to move on to some of the points that he no doubt wanted to make…

    Acting like he had any kind of plan going on is generous lol

    He never makes any points

    We heard so many of the old grievances that that we’d long thought that Trump had learned were not winners politically…

    And that was exactly Harris’s goal. She was needling him on these points so he’d show he’s a hypocrite that just says whatever he thinks people want to hear at any given moment. I loved when the moderators highlighted the lie about the election being stolen, and made him answer the question

  • There are two types of Republicans, con artists, and suckers. Yes, the suckers do believe there is actual voter fraud. But they believe that because the con artists, their party officials and political office holders, are telling them it’s true, while really just trying to suppress the vote because when voters turn out, Republicans lose

    Every once in a while, you get a sucker that stumbles into a position of power, and then you see stuff like this, or like what happened to the MyPillow guy. Don’t know which side this one is on, but the effect is the same

  • This is exactly the kind of challenge I love. How can Konsi do all the good she wants to do without damaging the church’s reputation? Does she need to become a bit of a revolutionary, change the status quo to improve the lives of those in need? If she does, the voices saying her church is interfering in the government will only get stronger, so it’s a fight for public opinion. And how far do her funds actually go when she’s working on the scale of the landed gentry? What kind of adventurer powers can help in a situation like this? Is the government secretly run by Mindflayers? There’s only one way to find out

  • Conservatives in the US shout all kinds of things, because the words they use don’t have any meaning. They don’t understand what communism actually is, just that they’re supposed to be afraid of it.

    That’s different from the left pointing out that the right is actually using fascists strategies (like stripping words of their meaning), and adopting fascist policies.

  • It’s honestly amazing. Art is so much a part of what we are, that it’s common and expected for someone to have written a coherent and insightful metaphor for their own life into their role in a fun make believe game.

    But also, don’t talk to me, or my emotionally stunted, queer-coded, dissatisfied accountant, who quit his job to take up a life of crime, ever again!