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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • The comment about your wife is related to his comments about you beating him and breaking his arm. He’s decided you’re abusive and are part of the reason his childhood was so messed up. It probably helps him cope with a few things. For example he doesn’t feel guilty when he abuses you or your mom’s hospitality or generosity because you owe him. Anyways he decided that you’re abusive and so you probably beat up your wife worse than he does. It’s self protective, if you’re worse than him (he assaulted his wife and you kill yours) then he can still be a good guy in his own mind by comparison.

    He sounds pretty fucked up honestly, and his coping mechanisms are maladaptive. If you want to help him, reach out occasionally to let him know you’re there. Don’t give him money or things or a place to stay. He doesn’t see you as a role model, he sees you as someone who owes him Infinity for what you’ve done, meaning he can abuse you in significant ways and it’s all fair in his mind. You owe him for what you did.

    If he ever realises that he’s the problem in his life, and that to make his life better he needs to BE better, only then can you help him.

    You can’t help someone be better if they don’t want to be better.

  • Holy fuck. I didn’t say criticism of the democratic party is automatically a right wing tactic. Get some goddamned reading comprehension. I swear you’re just trolling me at this point.

    In case you’re not, I’ll give it one more shot. I said there is a specific right wing effort to get left wing people to not vote by calling out issues where the Democrats aren’t left enough (but where the Republicans are much worse) in order to convince people not to vote. If your posts look like that, for example if you post a typical “genocide Joe” post, you need to be downvoted, because there is no way allowing another Trump victory is the right answer to “the Democrats aren’t left enough”. This in no way stops anyone from posting nuanced criticism or even just “I wish the Democratic leadership had more courage to fight Israel we should support Bernie Sanders’ campaign to withhold funding and petition our representatives to support the motion”. Anything with ANY nuance, or genuine desire for improvement of the democratic party will be VERY different from this tactic. If you don’t want to be downvoted all you have to do is include the slightest bit of additional thought, information, input, nuance or advice. If you don’t, not only does your post look exactly like a right wing voter suppression post, and should be downvoted on that basis alone, but also clearly has no real new thoughts to offer and would be downvoted on that basis anyways.

  • I’m not assuming anything.

    The right is attacking the left to try to reduce voter turnout. They do this by criticizing Democrats for “not being left enough” even though they are the most viable leftish option and the Republicans are worse at that exact thing. They’re doing this all over the world right now but just in the US. We HAVE to stop this attack.

    When you criticize the left for not being left enough without adding nuance or adding that the right is much worse on that topic, you’re either purposefully or accidentally participating in the attack whether you like it or not.

    No criticism, just facts.

  • But then your comments are identical to those posted by people whose goal is to undermine democratic support through single issues in order to create voter apathy and let Trump win.

    It’s not the message people are downvoting it’s the effect. If you don’t do anything to separate your message from this type of malicious attack, it’ll unfortunately be taken as that.