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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • You’re seriously saying “they deserve the ‘eye-for-an-eye’ treatment” while Israel is actively escalating the conflict?

    I have never defended genociders

    Oh okay. So where have I done that? In assuming that 3000 civilians who were harmed weren’t exclusively Hezbollah? Which would be an utterly ridiculous claim seeing how many literal children there are involved.

    So… you’ve never defended genociders. Then let’s see if you will. Is Israel committing a genocide in Gaza?

    You think only military personnel were killed in WW2?

    I’ve actually been in the military and have had training on what is and isn’t legal to do in armed conflict. Have you?


    Rule 12. Definition of Indiscriminate Attacks

    Rule 12. Indiscriminate attacks are those: (a) which are not directed at a specific military objective;

    (b) which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or

    © which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by international humanitarian law; and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.

  • I think they’re implying this mostly hit Hezbollah members, not than none of the victims were innocent.

    Based on… what exactly?

    The clear implication is that “number of Hezbollah member > victims = no innocent victims.”

    And then you instantly jump into defending genocide. Holy fucking shit I honestly can’t communicate with words how disgustingly pathetic I find that.

    No, I’m not gonna engage with your whataboutism and start arguing with you about how “Hezbollah deserved this absolutely pathetic terrorist attack.

    “Brought it on himself brought it on himself”

    You fuckers still haven’t realised that Hammurabi’s law makes the whole world blind, huh? That was almost 4000 years ago, ffs. Read a book, preferably a modern one and not some tome of propaganda from thousands of years ago.

    You’re literally defending the death of a 9-year old girl. You have to be sick in the fucking head to do that. Honestly.

  • Well shit, that could be better! Hopefully you can find the right person to help figure the things out.

    Thanks. I recently found a great therapist. British, and we use English. Because he’s not Finnish, he’s not blinded by the culture and I can actually get someone to understand the issues I have.

    Well, since the US had a lot of police abuse things, you now have pretty strict laws on procedure, warrants issued by a judge, Miranda rights, etc. I’m not saying those always get followed, but if they’re caught not following, people can sue for a lot. Here I the warrant just needs to be a oral permission from a high ranking police, but when I actually got the warrant in paper, it was backdated 2 months after the search. And I can’t find anyone who’d find a problem with that.

    At least the US has the sort of defense lawyer that Better Call Saul parodies a bit.

    Essentially Finnish people trust too much in their systems — and not without reason — but that trust for a long time has made it so that no-one sees if they work. And unchecked power does what unchecked powers does, no matter the nation.

    That said, try some comedy. Standup, movies, records, whatever. Laughter is the best medicine.

    Dude I think I’ve watched all the comedy. And drama. And fantasy. And scifi. Several thousands of hours, I’d say. ST: TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise. Tng at least 3x Voyager 2x. House MD like 5x. Fry and Laurie. All QI. All WILTY. All Taskmaster. All big fat quizes. All specials from a lot of standups. Family guy, American Dad, Taika Waititis shows; What We Do in the Shadows, Our Flag Means Death.

    Laughter might be the best medicine, but things which make me laugh nowadays are pretty rare.

  • This is the sort of thing that I love reading on the internet.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but most of that text is found offline — as it’s an excerpt from Douglas Adam’s “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe” (sequel to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”). I probably should’ve attributed it.

    If only doing things from the PoV of the speaker (you), that means 6~9 tenses for what most languages have 2 (past and non-past) or 3 (past, present, future).

    And then you’d have to account who knows what, which version of a person you’re talking to. Say you’re having a conversation with someone before traveling in time to a time in which they’ve not timetraveled, so it’s either their subjective past or future, but then you continue the conversation, so you’d have to account for both the speakers perspective and the person being spoken to, who would then be subject to two different tense “totalities” since the conversation with them would have been taking place in two different times at the same time.

    I seriously suggest reading Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett for that sort of thing. I used to use Pratchett books as a substitute for weed when I was a bit over twenty.

  • Yeah no chance.

    Finland really isn’t the utopia people think.

    It’s markedly different from the US, sure. But for one I’d say racism is way more prevalent. Genuinely a huge majority of the people I went to school with as a teenager still, to this day, admit they’re casual racists, and even sort of defend it. It’s a very different type of racism than in the US, but the very hateful kind exists here as well. It’s just a very casual type is super common. No exaggeration.

    Authoritarianism is also prominent. Finland has had mlrr complaints of police abuse to ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) than other Nordics combined (so our 5mil pop against some 40mil). And not nearly all the abuses go to ECHR. I wanted to complain, as I was abused by the police, kept in isolation for 3 days, shut off my water at one point, denied me my prescription meds for the whole time, despite me literally writing on the walls in my own blood.

    I’ve tried complaining to every single institution, and all of them say the police did nothing wrong.

    I know several people who buy into all sorts of shitty conspiracy theories like antivax, because their English is subpar and the idiotic rhetoric of those conspiracies is easier for them to follow. I know antivaxers, flat earthers, moonlanding deniers. Like too many.

    So no, despite us having some decent regulations on paper, we’re no utopia. You know the “happiest country in the world” bs? It actually measure contentedness, and it’s in Finnish culture you’re “not supposed to complain”. So when asked how things are, even ppl in shitty situations would say “eh, it’s fine”, so overall we’d score high in that.

    Such sadness depression and shittiness in the whole country I can’t wait to escape somehow. Looking rather bad though, as the healthcare is managing jack shit to help me because they all still have attitudes towards cannabis that were common in the US in the 60’s. And because I don’t get a proper diagnosis I keep suffering and not getting the support I actually should be getting. The fucked up healthcare has made it so the fucked up bureaucracy treats me even worse.

    I’ve basically been floating in a hellish limbo for some years now. Completely alone and isolated. Well, my codependent grandma keeps calling to complain just how shit her life is while not ever asking a single question about mine. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her laugh, now that I think about it.

    She was part of the richest family in the town in her youth, then her husband (my grandfather) died and my dad wasted everything and got in debt and now she’s poor and knows how much she’s getting fucked over by the right wing parties and acknowledges it, and still says she will alway vote for them.

    Same with my late father. I once showed him a clip which was never aired, where his favourite politician straight up said “let’s do another take, as I’ll deny that anyway” referring to a straight up lie he said. Dad just literally blanked it and it’s as if he genuinely didn’t see it while watching it. And when I asked about it afterwards, like instantly afterwards, he just mumbled something and completely pretended said thing didn’t happen.

    And that’s just a few examples. I’ve thousands more.

    Yeah, I don’t much have to fear being homeless or starving for lack of food (I am starving for lack of being able to absorb nutrients tho on occasion, because doctors won’t acknowledge a problem, blaming everything on me having admitted cannabis use 15 years ago, despite objective evidence). So there are positives, sure. But a lot of negatives as well.

    For one, I had my home searched by the police. Without a warrant. I asked them for one. They sayd “It’d take like 5min to get one”. I said “do that, please”. They grabbed my door and ripped it open, came in. I started filming, they ripped my phone from my hands, saying “you’re not allowed to film the police”.

    And to prove that last bit, I actually have a news story from the largest paper in Finland, and there’s a supreme Court case, which I won. And for winning it, guess what I got? Literally nothing. In the US, I could’ve sued the fuck out of these police and would’ve settled for millions.

    Here even my own family doesn’t recognise the police having abused me. Such a deep level the authoritarianism. My own mother doesn’t believe me, even with photographic evidence and a supreme court decision.

    So that’s a bit fucked, don’t you think?

    Edit shit forgot the link to the story here https://www.hs.fi/suomi/art-2000009654524.html

  • Well you’re not wrong in your point, we have that as well, but most of our Qanuts are watching American Fox News (and all the related crazies on YT) exactly because our media is such that Fox News wasn’t allowed to call itself Fox News, because of how shit it was. So Fox does broadcast here, but none of their news shows.

    However, even if the propaganda is of a higher quality and not as intentional, it’s still there.

    The core problem is the same. Greedy asshole doing whatever for more profits. We just have better regulations so it’s not yet as bad, but that’s the direction we’re headed.

    Finland, btw.

  • *tense marking is fun in time travel.

    One of the major problems encountered in time travel is not that of becoming your own father or mother. There is no problem in becoming your own father or mother that a broad-minded and well-adjusted family can’t cope with. There is no problem with changing the course of history—the course of history does not change because it all fits together like a jigsaw. All the important changes have happened before the things they were supposed to change and it all sorts itself out in the end.

    The major problem is simply one of grammar, and the main work to consult in this matter is Dr. Dan Streetmentioner’s Time Traveler’s Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations. It will tell you, for instance, how to describe something that was about to happen to you in the past before you avoided it by time-jumping forward two days in order to avoid it. The event will be descibed differently according to whether you are talking about it from the standpoint of your own natural time, from a time in the further future, or a time in the further past and is futher complicated by the possibility of conducting conversations while you are actually traveling from one time to another with the intention of becoming your own mother or father.

    Most readers get as far as the Future Semiconditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional before giving up; and in fact in later aditions of the book all pages beyond this point have been left blank to save on printing costs.

    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy skips lightly over this tangle of academic abstraction, pausing only to note that the term “Future Perfect” has been abandoned since it was discovered not to be.

  • You’re not supposed to sit on the motor, my man.

    Youre supposed to put it in a frame of some sort.

    Now I definitely agree with the point you’re making, but unless you’re like 300+ kgs, 500w should be fine for personal transport.

    I had one board with a 500w engine that went 63km/h with a full battery and my ~75 kg of mass on it. It didn’t have much torque, though, but it was fast. On the other hand, these rentable e-scooters we have, have like 350W engines and are limited in speed to 25kmh, but have amazing torque, even my brother can get up steep hills on those, and he’s genuinely 1.5x the man I am, size wise (at least). Hills that my 500w fast scoot didn’t manage with me on it.

    So it’s not just the raw power output of the engine which matters, is my point.

    Personally I think we need a framework paradigm shift. I know it would require a ton, worldwide, but just like how pedestrians got sidewalks in the early 20th century when cars took over the roads, we now need another split again. In that there should be three lanes, pedestrian, light vehicles, then actual road.

    With like a small escoot and a bike you could still use pedestrian ways as well, but any faster or larger e-transports could have their own lane to use. Small e-cars as well. No power limits, but some sort of little regulation.

  • You cannot do that with an LLM.

    If I want to go and read a Harry Potter book, I presumably have to pay someone something (excluding library services because those are services provided for actual people, not AI’s)?

    This LLM clearly has read Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets, and is merely refusing to display the data it already has on it. “Data” in this case meaning the work, the book.

    I’m not for current copyright laws, but I find defending these hypocritical companies despicable. I’m sure you’re able to imagine that if it suited OpenAI, they might argue the exact opposite of what they’re arguing. Companies don’t really argue things in good faith, rather always arguing for the thing that will be the most profitable for them, no matter the veracity.