Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Alright I finally had time to sit down and do it, and I realized in my earlier haste I made a few mistakes. Here it is corrected and madlibbed out in all its glory:

    Hell, USA — Up to 69 people were killed and _another 420 more injured after a gunman opened fire at a Pepperidge Farm.
    There were conflicting reports about casualties, but Booger from Weiner County Sheriff Department said the number is at 69.
    “I heard a popping sound and screaming,” said Scooby Doo, a Fart at the Pepperidge Farm. “And that’s when we all got down. There was Butts everywhere.”
    The shooter’s motive was reported to be His penis fell off.
    Citizens of Weiner were Angry and Horny to hear that something like this could happen in their community.
    President Dog Poo and Governor Balls had their  Lunch and Snakes with the victims and their families.

  • I hate to nitpick but technically libertarians (especially small l, but even big L, which are different, and you used small l), are fine with helping people and mutual aid and altruism. What they have problems with is that being compulsory. They think that if you want to go help say the homeless or single mothers or animals or whatever your prerogative is, you should willingly donate your money to the cause if you have the money to spare and the will to share, but you should not be able to use the government to point a gun at some other guy to force him donate to your pet cause (i.e their view of taxes.)

    I mean, there are certainly things to be said about that as well, some people believe helping others should be compulsory for example, and some things become a lot harder to organize without taxes, but it’s helpful to at least understand the actual argument of your opponent and argue against it coherently instead of pushing strawmen that make it seem as if you don’t entirely grasp their argument. A better example would be “any time taxes help someone a libertarian dies” for instance in this case.