• niktemadur@lemmy.world
    21 days ago


    The stupidity of the 24-hour infotainment industry knows no bottom when it’s hijacked by malevolent right-wing propagandists like murdoch and limbaugh ten years ago, journalistic integrity and professionalism non-existent.

    Fabricating fake outrage like mustard on a Five Guys burger, or saluting with a coffee in one hand while walking on the tarmac towards Air Force One, injecting brazen knee-jerk “rah rah my team or nothing” right-wing propaganda bullshit into public discourse, with the explicit intent to distort reality, with no shame nor dignity.

    …and there go the other competing “news” franchises mindlessly parroting and amplifying the idiocy.


    “People want to know!”
    “Some people say!”
    “People are talking about, talking about, talking about!”

    Whoever these people are, they only talk about this idiocy because they are force-fed this excrement.