• Blanksy@reddthat.com
    18 days ago

    See, I can say the same about you. You’ve been brainwashed by the MSM into believing Trump is the next Hitler and that he’s the antichrist etc. Trump is a worldwide businessman who’s had dealings in a lot of countries, but there’s still never been any proof of him colluding with Russia. Btw, what classified/top secret documents are saying he gave/sold to Putin? The Russian collusion was debunked long ago and the whole investigation into it was based on lies and a dossier that the Clinton campaign financed. One of their lawyers even got convicted of doctoring paperwork for the fbi in order to get the Fisa courts to let them wiretap Carter Paige and the Trump campaign. The fbi hid the fact that Carter Paige was working for the CIA and that his job was to talk to Russians and relay information back to them so the whole thing was just a scam. They also needed Obamas help to get the ball rolling on it which is why right before leaving office, Obama signed an executive order to give something like 17 different agencies full access to NSA data. They thought nobody would ever find out because they believed the American people would turn on Trump and he’d be out of office in 6 months to a year, but that didn’t happen. John Kerry said as much in an overseas trip he was on back then. The MSM day in and day out screamed Russia Russia Russia for years without even having any proof. On the flip side of that coin, you’ve got the Bidens in which I’ve seen the photos of the checks made out to the Biden family from companies connected to the Chinese communist party for hundreds of thousands of dollars and right after the family pays Joe and Hunter the money. The money was sent through a bunch of shell companies to try to cover their tracks as well. Hunter has received countless gifts such as diamonds, cars, hookers, and millions of dollars from not only China, but other nations to and yet there’s never been any proof of him providing any services for that money except for access to the Vice President/President/Joe Biden. Biden is on tape threatening to hold back a billion dollars in aid money if Ukraine didn’t fire a certain prosecutor. Then you’ve got Hunters laptop that the MSM and members of the intelligence community kept saying was Russian disinformation when the fbi had possession of the laptop already and knew it was real. They held onto the laptop and claimed they didn’t know where it was long enough to let the statute of limitations run up on a lot of the more serious crimes that the laptop gave them plenty of proof of and more than likely it was because they wouldn’t have been able to charge Hunter without charging Biden. The crimes I’m talking about are things like money laundering, bribery, etc. I personally see it as treason. Also, I know Biden is not running for office now, but he is the President so if they’re going to go after Trump for photographing inside section 60, it’s only right to mention Joe has done the same and put it in his campaign video. As far as Trump goes, the military families that have loved ones in section 60 have come out in defense of Trump and said that they wanted the photos taken. Trumps team also had permission to do it in the first place. You talk about how bad Trump is for the veterans and for the military, but most of the military supports Trump over Biden or Harris. Same with Border Patrol and same with Police officers.